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Please read the chapter on Population in your textbook and then watch at least three of the following short films from the W.H. Freeman and/or PBS Frontline World site (available at http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/). I would then like you to address one or more of the following questions/topics:

What can you often assume about the socio-economic circumstances and
the well-being of the population in a country (and the economic
prospects of the country) by looking at its population characteristics
(e.g., growth rates, age composition, its population pyramid shape,
etc.)? Please use some specific examples.

2) Why do some Less
Developed Countries (such as many in Sub-Saharan Africa) and some More
Developed Countries (such as Japan and parts of Europe) face the exact opposite
challenges with regard to population growth? What types of unintended
consequences can governmental policies (such as China’s “One-Child
Policy”) seeking to deal with population challenges cause?  

Look at the maps in your text on population growth rates, mortality
rates, infant mortality rates, etc.. Are there patterns evident with
regard to population growth rates, poverty, well-being, mortality? Are
certain areas of the world “overpopulated” or are other processes at
work here? What, if anything, should be done to deal with these issues?

You can use any 3 relevant films from the PBS Frontline World site at: http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/. Here are a few suggested films: 

India: A New Life


– India: The Missing Girls


– India: A Pound of Flesh

Selling kidneys to survive


 Tortillanomics: Food or Fuel?


 – Haiti: Belo’s Song of Peace


 – This Land is Ours: Who Should Own Namibia’s Farms?


Here are films from the W.H. Freeman site: 

China’s Predicament Over N. Korean Refugees

Girls Pay Price for India’s Preference for Boys

Global Population Boom and ‘Mega-cities’ in LDCs

Honor Killings on Rise

Europe Unites, Migrant Workers Spread

World Population Concentrated in LDCs

Kidnapped in Colombia

Social Programs at Root of Chavez’s Popularity

U.S. – Venezuela Energy Ties Endure

Bolivian Energy Policy Causes Concern


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