Interview a person who work in the dental field and Write a report describing what you have learned about the kinds of written communication skills you will need in this field.

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Assignment: Interview a person or persons who work in the dental field and Write a report describing what you have learned about the kinds of written communication skills you will need in this field.

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I chose to interview a doctor named: Dr. Omar Sabbagh, he is a general dentist that I have worked with as a dental assistant for three months. Unfortunately, I could not make it to the interview, so what you have to do is to pretend that the interview was done and try to collect as much information to put in the report as possible. You can use Purdue OWl website, it is really helpful!

I have attached the assignment proposal(That I have submitted previously),the ACTUAL assignment and some examples of old reports (Not supposed to be exactly the same as these because they have different careers)

For any questions, please contact me!


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