How has the digital age shaped the Fourth Amendment? Be sure to draw heavily on the readings for evidence supporting your argument. Do not rely on sources outside of the above-listed readings. Include quotes and citations where relevant. Cite using MLA f

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Introduction to Analytic Essay (Rough Draft due 2/9 by 3 p.m.; see Week 4 instructions for rough draft peer review instructions

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The rough draft of your analytic essay is due this week. The prompt is: How has the digital age shaped the Fourth Amendment? In exploring that topic, make a point or an argument rather than just giving isolated or unconnected examples of how the digital age has shaped the Fourth Amendment. You want to put the authors of the readings in conversation with one another by synthesizing how their ideas relate to one another. You must use each of the assigned readings and no outside sources for this essay.

What is an analytic essay? The purpose of this essay is to analyze the assigned readings to determine how the digital age has shaped the Fourth Amendment. You are tasked with presenting an argument, or thesis, that unites the readings. Your goal is not to summarize the readings, but rather to use their content to support your argument in a meaningful way. You will use a reading (frame) to analyze and explore another reading (case) and discuss how the latter reading makes sense in the context of the first. Because of the ideology/theory of the frame text, you have new viewpoint of the case.

Your introduction paragraph should define key terms that you use to frame your argument. For example, you should define the Fourth Amendment and the digital age as they relate to your paper. You should also narrowly define terms that may have very broad meanings to something more specifically related to your paper. For example, the term “technology” can mean anything from electricity to the modern smartphone. Make sure to specify what that word will mean as used in your essay. The introductory paragraph should include your thesis. Steer clear of “black and white” theses such as, “The Fourth Amendment has been shaped negatively.” You want to make a more specific argument that is not as easily disprovable as the “black and white” theses would be. The introductory paragraph should also include “road map” providing the direction in which your paper will go. For example, if your thesis is “Calculators impede students’ ability to manually perform mathematical computation,” a road map might look something like this:

Calculators impede students’ ability to manually perform mathematical computations in two ways. First, students develop a dependence on calculators, which, in turn, limits the practice students’ have with manually performing computations. Ultimately, this may result in a decreased ability to critically reason through a math problem. Second, educators themselves become dependent on calculators and decide not to teach manual techniques of computations. In other words, students are only taught how to perform the functions on the calculator, not manually.

Your body paragraphs should develop your thesis/argument. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence that indicates to the reader what you will be proving or explaining in that paragraph. Use supporting points from the readings to make your argument. These supporting points can be in the form of quotes or brief paraphrasing from the readings. You should provide citations for both the quotes and the paraphrasing. Conclude the paragraph with a sentence that sums up the argument you made.

There should be smooth transitions from paragraph to paragraph because you should be logically developing your argument by building on the previous arguments.

Before writing your analytic essay, I suggest you outline your argument. Start with the thesis. Below the thesis, write the topics sentences you want to use to support your thesis. Under each topic sentence, list the points from each reading that support or prove that point.

Analytic Essay Assignment Instructions


How has the digital age shaped the Fourth Amendment? Be sure to draw heavily on the readings for evidence supporting your argument. Do not rely on sources outside of the above-listed readings. Include quotes and citations where relevant. Cite using MLA format.

Your rough draft must:

  • be in 12-point Times New Roman font
  • be double spaced
  • include page numbers

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