250 word discussion response

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Instructions: Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. Responses should be a minimum of 250 words and include direct questions. You may challenge, support or supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts and theories from the required readings. Also, do not be afraid to respectfully disagree where you feel appropriate; as this should be part of your analysis process at this academic level.

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Forum posts are graded on timeliness, relevance, knowledge of the weekly readings, and the quality of original ideas. Sources utilized to support answers are to be cited in accordance with the APA writing style by providing a general parenthetical citation (reference the author, year and page number) within your post, as well as an adjoining reference list. Refer to grading rubric for additional details concerning grading criteria.

Respond to Johnny:

When evaluating current strategies for local and state law enforcement and corrections agencies to prepare or respond to threats such as active shooters, terrorism threats, radicalization within prisons, and intelligence or cyber threats the first step is to understand the enemies capabilities through the intelligence gathering process. When reviewing the importance of data collection and data analysis it gives us trends, common methods, statistics, and a better understanding of the threat. Additionally the methods to avoid common inconsistencies in a complex operation is by ensuring that personnel involved has a good understanding of the threat and operations procedure (Bachman, 2010). This can be achieved through training, implemented standard operational procedures, funding, and a solid foundation of intelligence that is credible.

Mass shootings have took place in multiple locations within the United States this past decade to include a mass shooting rampage at a Las Vagas concert that killed fifty-eight people while injuring many more. The shooter used a high rise building above the concert to gain an advantage in vision and distance himself from emergency responders during the rampage which allowed him to continuously kill as he pleased until law enforcement could reach him to stop the shooting. Ideally events such as this law enforcement have not actively or effectively been trained to deal with as reports would suggest (Seebock, 2018). The idea that law enforcement are equipped to deal with snipers, heavy machine gunners, or high explosive attacks is not what local and state law enforcement officers were trained to do. Let’s think about the average beat cop whose sole purpose is to assist, protect, and defend its everyday citizens from hazards and to enforce the laws of their county, city, and state. These officers did not attend an Army Basic Combat Training, or complete an Infantry Training Course through the military in which would gear them to conduct squad movements under fire, react to ambushes, and maneuver through a firefight to gain fire superiority over the enemy. The general public has a misconception that law enforcement is capable of responding to combat as if they were the National Guard or Active Army. However by requiring police officers to meet these demands would impose that the law enforcement training centers add combat training to the curriculum and approve additional funds for machines guns, ammunitions, explosives, and protective equipment. Although great training from a firsthand experience I don’t believe that the vision of law enforcement is to replace the National Guard and their responsibilities. Ideally having a SWAT Team or SRT force is that grey middle area where advanced training is required to meet these types of threats until the National Guard is needed to take over the situation.

Radicalization within prisons has always been a national security concern as it tends to breed new enemies of the state. Studies have shown that the radicalization process has happened all over the world in different countries and different prisons. While the enemy seeks to recruit its members who are looking for a group or purpose during their vulnerable state while incarcerated makes them an easy target for radicalization (Awan, 2013). The idea to combat this would make have come from the corrections world in how they conduct day to day operations and that’s not allowing such propaganda and or heresy be spread throughout its facilities. While a bit touchy due to human rights and civil rights I believe that controlling reading materials and media is a prime way to steer the attention elsewhere.


Awan, I. (2013). Muslim Prisoners, Radicalization and Rehabilitation in British Prisons. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 371.

Bachman, E. (2010). Intelligence-Gathering Tips. Fire Engineering, 14, 16-18.

Seebock, J. (2018). Responding to High-Rise Active Shooters. Homeland Security Affairs, 1-71.


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