Summary of a short article

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Hello , I just want the form attached below filled out super easy and quick I’ll list the topics from week 1 to 10 feel free to choose any topic you like ..

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The list:

What is race?



Racial profiling

Hispanic struggle

Asian Americans

Native Americans

Women in correctional officers

Juries and homosexual

Hate crimes

This assignment will allow you to do some research and find a current event related to one of the topics we have covered in our class this semester. You can choose any topic from Week 1 through Week 10.

You’ll find an article then fill out the current event form below.

aoj240 current event form (2) (1).docxPreview the document


Current Event Rubric

Current Event Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCurrent Event Form

100.0 pts


Current Event form is fully completed. Writing is legible. Answers are complete. Student demonstrates an understanding of the current event and has thought about the questions on the form, writing answers that are thorough and thoughtful.

80.0 pts

Needs Improvement

Form is not completely filled out, or answers are very brief and not thorough. Handwriting is not legible.

100.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0


AOJ 240 Current Event

Chapter ____ Topic ______________


Class ___240_______ Date ______________________

Instructions: Select an article of at least 300 words or more from a newspaper, news magazine, or Internet site. Choose an article that relates to our subject matter for that week (Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, etc.).

After carefully reading the article, complete the following questions and attach a copy of the article to the back of the assignment sheet. Be prepared to present your article to the class. The current event may only be from the current week or the prior four weeks. Older articles are no longer “current.”

  1. Title of your Article: ________________________________________________________

2. What newspaper, magazine, or Internet site did the article appear in?

__________________________________ date ___________________ page __________

3. Summarize the article. Do not simply copy a news event. Explain the event in your own words.















4. Why did you choose this article/current event?









5. How does your article relate to community justice, and more specifically, how does it relate to one of the topics we have studied this semester?








When writing your assignment, we aim to help you get an A, not just beat the deadline.

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