A literature review aims to highlight the current state of knowledge regarding a topic under study. Literature reviews are comprised of secondary sources and as such do not report any new or original

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A literature review aims to highlight the current state of knowledge regarding a topic under study. Literature reviews are comprised of secondary sources and as such do not report any new or original experimental work. The main purpose of a literature review is to situate the current study within the body of literature and to provide context for the reader. A literature review is not a summary but a synthesis of the material you have read. In this course the purpose of the literature review is to answer a significant clinical question.

Your paper needs to follow the following criteria:

  1. Choose a problem faced by clients in your practice area that you think is important and would like to learn more about.
  2. Use your knowledge of PICO to develop a well-build narrow clinical question.
  3. Write a five (5) page literature review paper on the standing knowledge of the chosen question.
  4. Include a minimum of five (5) journal articles, at least three (3) from nursing journals. However, make sure that the (5) journals are the one’s analyzed and synthesized in the results and discussion sections.
  5. The body of the paper should be made of the following titled sections: Title (introduction), Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
  6. Provide a specific and concise tentative title for your literature review paper (You may use the results or at least the variables in the title).
  7. Abstract is not required
  8. Include a 1-page introduction of your topic (background information), the focus/aim of your review. The introduction should include a statement of the problem, briefly explain the significance of your topic study, and act to introduce the reader to your definitions and background. Must include your main statement (i.e. the purpose of this review is…{PICO Question}).
  9. The method section should include sources, databases, keywords, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and other information that establish credibility to your paper.
  10. The results should summarize the findings of studies that have been conducted on your topic. For each study you should briefly explain its purpose, procedure for data collection and major findings. This is the section where you will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of studies.
  11. The discussion should be like a conclusion portion of an essay paper. It serves as a summary of the body of your literature review and should highlight the most important findings. Your analysis should help you to draw conclusions. In this section you would discussion any consensus or disagreement on the topic. It can also include any strengths and weaknesses in general of the research area. If you believe there is more to research, you may include that here.
  12. Finally, you will need to conclude your paper. At this point you have put substantial effort into your paper. Close this chapter with a summary of the paper, major findings and any major recommendation for the profession.
  13. In general, your paper should show a sense of direction and contain a definite central idea supported with evidence. The writing should be logical, and the ideas should be linked together in a logical sequence. The ideas need to be put together clearly to the writer and to the reader.
  14. Papers will be graded by rubric. Please take time to review the rubric so that you are aware of the expectations for the review paper.
  15. Format references and citations using APA guidelines.

A literature review aims to highlight the current state of knowledge regarding a topic under study. Literature reviews are comprised of secondary sources and as such do not report any new or original
Literature Review Rubric NUR3165 Nursing Research Page 1 of 2 Criteria Outstanding Acceptable Unacceptable Articles 10 points Information is gathered from m ore than 6 , research -based sources. 5 points Information is gathered from a limited number of sources. 0 points Information is gathered from a less than 5 sources. Review Question 10 points The review question is developed from a well – build Pico question. It is a foreground question and is narrow in it’s approach. 5 points The review question is developed from a Pico question. However, it is a background question and the question s are broad and may not be feasible. 0 points The review question is not developed from a Pico question. It is a background question and the questio ns are broad and may not be feasible. Introducing the idea: Problem statement and purpose 10 points The topic is introduced, and groundwork is laid as to the direction of the article. The purpose of the paper is explicit. 5 points Readers are aware of the overall problem, challenge, or topic of the article. However, the purpose is not clear. 0 points Neither implicit nor explicit reference is made to the topic or purpose of the article. There is not clear purpose, or it is confusing . Identifies the Meth odology for Searching the Evi dence 10 points Concise details are provided about article selection, including search engines, search terms, and inclusion/exclusion criteria. Number and type of articles included are clearly stated. Levels of evidence are acknowledged and applied to the search. 5 points Details about article selection are occasionally unclear or wordy. Number and type of articles included could be more clearly stated. Keywords are included, but, there is no mention about the quality of the e vidence. 0 points Details about article selection are lacking or wordy. Number and type of articles are not included. Keywords are omitted. Discussion Analysis of the evidence 10 points Discussion summarizes the body of the results and highlights the most important findings. There is a sense of completion to the whole piece in this section. Conclusions are drawn based on analysis. 5 points Discussion summarizes some of the points of the results and highlights Some of the important findings. The paper analysis is limited, and few conclusions are obtained. 0 points Discussion is not accomplished. Analysis of the findings is lacking. There is not clear conclusion obtained and is only descriptive in nature. Literature Review Rubric NUR3165 Nursing Research Page 2 of 2 Criteria Outstanding Acceptable Unacceptable Conclusion 10 points A summary of the main points is clearly articulated. Implications for nursing practice are logical, relevant, and clear. 5 points A summary of the main points is presented, but clarity could be enhanced. Implications for nursing practice are includ ed but lack logic, relevance, or clarity . 0 points A summary of the main points is not clearly presented. Implications for nursing practice are absent, illogical, irrelevant, or unclear . Paragraphs 10 points Each paragraph begins with a clearly identifiable topic sentence. The content of each paragraph is closely associated with its topic . 5 points Most paragraphs begin with a clearly identifiable topic sentence. Some paragraphs include more than one topic. 0 points Many paragraphs lack clearly identifiable topic sentences. Many paragraphs contain multiple topics and are difficult to follow. Logical flow of ideas 10 points The reader is guided smoothly through the logically arranged paper. 5 points The overall arrangement is logical but is occasionally difficult to follow. 0 points The arrangement of content is haphazard and difficult to follow. APA Style 10 points The Final paper is double spaced in a 12 – point serf font, has 1 – inch margins, APA -style headings, and includes well -formed Ver sion 6 APA reference list for all citations and references. 5 points The Final paper lacks some of the following features: double spacing, 12 -point serf font, 1 -inch margins, APA style headings, or a nearly complete Version 6 APA reference list . 0 points The Final paper lacks several of the following features: double spacing, 12 – point serf font, 1 -inch margins, APA style headings, or a nearly complete Version 6 APA reference list.

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